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Choosing The Right Commercial Solar Panel: Top Tips

Cost-saving. Future-proofing. Hitting green targets.

These are just a few reasons why British businesses are increasingly turning to solar energy. Once you’ve decided to invest in a solar panel system, just how should you go about buying the right commercial solar panels for your business?

Read on for our top tips for choosing the best commercial solar panels to fit your needs.

What To Look For When Choosing Commercial Solar Panels

Installing a solar panel system is an investment, so you’ll want to make sure you get value for money. How much energy you consume, your location and even how much roof space you have, will all play a part in choosing your solar panels.

Solar Panel Cost

Numerous factors can impact the cost of a solar panel system. Perhaps most obviously, the physical size and wattage will have a significant influence on your new system’s price tag. The larger the system’s capacity, the more it’ll cost you upfront. 

The complexity of your set-up and the accessibility of your rooftop may impact the man-hours needed to get your system up and running, which can also affect the installation cost.

Cost is often a key consideration for businesses when making a substantial investment into renewable energy solutions, but it shouldn’t be the only factor. The most expensive systems aren’t always the most energy-efficient systems, which leads us to our next point.

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency describes how well the solar panel converts light into electricity. More efficient solar panels can not only charge faster, but you’ll need fewer of them to achieve the same output as a less efficient system. Rapid developments in technology have substantially improved the energy efficiency of commercial solar panels, from around 15% to 15-22%, on average.

As tempting as it is to rush out and buy the most efficient solar panels money can buy, you should take stock of how much electricity your business actually uses. Underestimate your usage and you won’t install enough panels to cover your needs. On the other hand, overestimate and you’ll spend more money than you really need to.


When it comes to size, you’ll need to take into account both the physical size of the panels and the wattage size.

The typical commercial solar panel measures around 2m by 1m. Your available roof space (or land space, if you’re installing on agricultural land), will constrain the size and number of panels you can install on your property.

The size in watts is typically considered in parallel with energy efficiency. Choose a system that generates enough power to provide a material contribution to your energy needs and environmental objectives. A battery system can be helpful to store excess power to use at night or as a backup for critical systems, but this can be an expensive approach, especially as you can sell your excess electricity to the grid. A reputable solar PV installer will be able to advise on the best approach to meet your goals.

Your solar panel system should fit the space you have available and generate as much energy as needed, efficiently.


With very few moving parts, solar panels are relatively low-maintenance. Even so, installing solar photovoltaic (PV) cells is an investment and you’ll want to ensure that your system goes the distance.

Natural disasters and extreme weather are the main risk factors for your solar panels. High winds, heavy snowfall and falling branches can all cause damage. The more durable the panels the better chance they have of withstanding natural disasters.

Many solar panel manufacturers offer a 25-year warranty, which is a pretty good indication of the panel’s durability and quality and should translate to fewer repairs or replacements.

Types of Solar Cells

Solar cells are made from silicon and there are three major types:

  • Monocrystalline Solar Cells are made from a single piece of silicon and perform well in poor sunlight compared to other types of solar cells. They’re the most expensive of the various types of solar panels.
  • Polycrystalline Solar Cells, AKA multi-crystalline cells, are made from several pieces of silicon melted together. They’re easier to manufacture, so they’re cheaper to buy, but they’re also less energy-efficient than monocrystalline cells.
  • Amorphous or Thin-Film Solar Cells are made from a thin layer of silicon and are very cheap to produce. However, they take up more space and operate less efficiently than the other types of solar panels, and hence significantly more expensive per kWh hour generated than traditional solar panels  Thin film solar is typically used for applications that are not suitable for traditional solar panels.

Which Type Of Solar Panel Is Best For Commercial Use?

On the whole, you’ll want to install the best quality solar panels that you can afford. Ones that are energy-efficient, durable and cost-effective. Monocrystalline solar panels are often the preferred choice for businesses, offering high conversion rates and small footprints.

Ultimately, however, your choice of solar panel will depend on your physical space and power needs.

Commercial Solar Panels That MyPower Offer

At Mypower, we offer high-quality, long-lasting commercial solar panels coupled with years of know-how in solar panel building and installation for commercial, agricultural or industrial businesses. Get in touch with our professional team to find out how we can help with your installation.

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