A rapid transition to electric buses is happening
A rapid transition to electric buses is happening
Anyone who cycles regularly will be pleased to hear how fast the transition to electric buses is happening. Pedalling adjacent to a diesel powered bus’ tailpipe is an invitation to treat your lungs to a fug of acrid, particulate flavoured bus-based flatulence, a nasty, toxic soup that stays in the air in urban environments.
The Chinese are leading the way with bus electrification and their factory in California is knocking out modern, clean, battery powered EBs as fast as they can. One southern Californian public transport authority is now using wireless charging at its depot to charge the buses quickly using 250kW ultra fast chargers. No cables, no nozzles, just park the bus and it charges.
By changing its fleet to electric, The Antelope Valley Transport Authority is saving $46,000.00 dollars per bus, per year. These are compelling costs and it begs the question why any bus operator would ever order another diesel bus.
Clean Technica reports on the story here...