Wall Street Journal's report on air quality in western Europe shows cities are failing to meet air pollution targets
Wall Street Journal's report on air quality in western Europe shows cities are failing to meet air pollution targets
No doubt touchy EU politicians will see this as the US targeting the European car industry, but we think that the WSJ have hit on something here.
Their report on air quality in western Europe is a fitting retort to the sanctimonious crowing that Europeans have directed at gas guzzling yanks over the years.
We have an office in Slough and some mornings in summer, the air is positively soup like, so we’re not surprised that the Marylebone Rd in London is cited in this report as one of the stinkiest places to breathe air in the UK.
Diesel fumes are bad for you, especially if you are young, and if the fact that we are damaging our childrens’ lungs doesn’t hasten the end of diesel engines in cars, then American class-action lawsuits just might.
Read more about this at the Wall Street Journal.