EU are dishing out free money to producers of the dirtiest form of energy generation
EU are dishing out free money to producers of the dirtiest form of energy generation
Greenpeace often do themselves no favours with some of the bonkers stuff they come out with. On this one, they may have a point. We didn’t even know that the EU had a €144 million research fund for coal. Is this the same EU which is imposing carbon reduction targets on member states? If so, why on earth are they dishing out free money to producers of the dirtiest form of energy generation.
It may be something to do with the fact that the EU is still the world’s largest producer of lignite and is also the global leader in importing coal. The EU would argue that as coal fired generation accounts for almost a third of the electricity produced by member states, it makes sense to bung the industry some free cash. We would suggest that if they really are serious about reducing carbon emissions then this money would be better used for R&D into energy storage for all that excess wind power that we are currently unable to use.
The Guardian, unsurprisingly, reports in detail on this latest bit of woolly-minded policy from the EU. Read it here.