FT's Nick Butler on how energy storage is going to transform the way we generate and consume electricity
FT's Nick Butler on how energy storage is going to transform the way we generate and consume electricity
We don’t know how we missed this when it was published in the FT in December.
Nick Butler writes well researched and well informed blogs for the energy section in the FT and is always an entertaining read.
In this piece he explores how energy storage is going to transform the way we generate and consume electricity. It’s a theme mirrored by other seasoned commentators who all predict the end of the energy grids as we know them.
We like this paragraph in particular which echos our previous musings on this subject. You can read the full article here.
Advances along with falling costs promise to make solar the power source of choice in the 21st century. If governments want to decarbonise the economy it is hard to think of a better use for public money and subsidies than research in storage.
There are exciting things happening with storage. If you already have a solar or wind installation and want to find out if you could store all that excess electricity for your own use rather than feed it into the grid then please give us a call.
Meanwhile, you can read the full article here.