A new record of almost a quarter of the UK’s electricity demand- 23.9% was met by PV in June
A new record of almost a quarter of the UK’s electricity demand - 23.9% was met by PV in June
June may have been a washout and often felt more like February but despite reduced output from the nation’s solar capacity, a new record of almost a quarter of the UK’s electricity demand - 23.9% was met by PV in June.
That is a quarter of the UK’s electricity which will be generated each year, for the next 25 at least, which requires no imported gas or coal to generate, nor risky, expensive and politically sensitive nuclear generation.
Given that deployment of solar remains small across the UK’s commercial buildings, the potential to increase this is huge. Storage remains the key, whether that is battery storage at the point of generation and consumption or grid co-ordinated hydro storage schemes. Storing the excess electricity generated in summer from solar, and in winter from wind, could end our dependency on imported fuel. Win win.
Read more at CleanTechnica.