Powering your growing business
Powering your growing business
Committed to best environmental practise and sustainability
Our solar related stories are posted to raise awareness of the benefits, both commercially and environmentally, of generating electricity for your business using your own solar PV. What better way to do this, than to share the story of one of our valued customers, Kernock Park Plants Ltd.
The growth business
Kernock Park Plants is an innovative young plant producer based in Cornwall. The business delivers young plants to over a thousand customers within the UK, Ireland and mainland Europe, and is fully committed to best environmental practise and sustainability. It utilises a range of methods to reduce its carbon footprint and need for harmful pesticide i.e. biomass, solar, recycled packaging and integrated pest management (IPM). Kernock currently consume over 900,000 units of electricity per annum.
Early adopter
In 2011, Kernock Park Plants had its first solar PV system installed by Mypower. 9.87kW in size, generating an estimated 9,034kWh of electricity per annum at a capital cost around £34,000.
Kernock Plants certainly saw the benefits provided by their own solar PV system, and invested again in 2013 with another 9.87kWp system, followed by a much larger 100kW system in 2014.
Between 2011 and 2019 solar PV costs have come down so significantly, you can now have a system with 10x the output for just over double the cost – now that’s what we call progress.
No better time for solar?
Fast forward to 2019, and Kernock Park Plants have just placed an order for another large system, this time a 94kW system that will generate a further 94,000kWh per annum. This system, which is utilising the premium SolarEdge technology, is costing just over £86,000.
This illustrates how far solar renewable technology has developed and the cost base reduced since 2011, and one of the main reasons why the Feed-in Tariff subsidy is no longer required.
Kernock Park Plants have made a clear investment in their future, by the end of 2019 they will be sourcing nearly 20% of their energy requirements at about 1/3 of the price of electricity from the grid.
At the same time, Kernock are also helping take on climate change by avoiding 70 Tonnes of
CO2 emissions every year.
Preserving the environment for future generations
As Kernock Park Plants’ business grew (please excuse the pun), they continued to invest in their future with low cost energy that will remain fixed in price and provide energy for the next 25+ years.
In addition, this investment in renewable technology is taking direct action to preserve the beautiful environment that their own flowery products adorn.
Want to power your own business? Contact the Mypower team today.