The International Energy Agency has produced its annual report and it confirms rise of renewable energy.
The International Energy Agency has produced its annual report and it confirms the relentless rise of renewable energy.
90% of all new energy generation infrastructure coming on stream in 2020 is renewable. The IEA predicts stronger growth in 2021, and solar will continue to be the fastest growing renewable energy source. Fatih Birol, the IEA’s Executive Director sums it up nicely..
“I see solar becoming the new king of the world’s electricity markets.”
Whilst the IEA cites government policies in the US, India and the EU as being the main drivers for this surge, we think that the fact that electricity generated by solar is the cheapest form of electricity. Who doesn’t want cheaper electricity?
You can read the IEA report here - or if you’d like to have a more succinct appraisal as to how your business can reap the commercial solar panels benefits, come and talk to us here