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India has everything in place to use solar and electric cars

India has everything in place to use solar and electric cars

India has everything in place to use solar and electric cars

We’ve commented here previously about how China’s increasingly vociferous middle classes are getting lippy about the air quality in the big cities and how this will add vigour to the country’s push towards electric cars. China is likely to be a leader in the mass deployment of EVs.

Now India is experiencing similar unrest from Delhi’s population who are grumpy about the filthy air in India’s biggest car owning city. Diesels are getting the blame and the government has banned the big diesel 4x4s so loved by the plutocrat class. Electric cars would solve India’s air quality issues except for the fact that so much of the India’s new electricity generation comes from decidedly filthy coal burning plants.

India has everything in place to use solar and electric cars

Luckily, India has all the factors required for generating all its electricity from solar; high levels of sunshine and huge amounts of space. Plus, India is a massive importer of oil so a move to EVs, powered by solar, will make its people richer as well as helping them to breathe more easily.

Read The Times article here.

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