Volkswagen are attempting to make consumers forget about their recent conduct
Volkswagen are attempting to make consumers forget about their recent conduct
Volkswagen might have hoped that the world has forgotten its sneaky conduct over diesel emissions. Its E-van concept at CES - the oddly named BUDD-E, is certainly funky enough and this, along with an updated Golf E and announcements on its ambitious EV programme, will, VW hopes, help consumers forget that their cars may actually cause respiratory issues at best and cancer at worst.
You can see more about the BUDD-E here.
Meanwhile, just as VW’s PR department may thought it had succeeded in persuading the world that VW are so green that the merest whiff of a Passat’s tail pipe will cause flowers to spring forth from the concrete and raise the IQ of passing children, along comes the pesky US government with an announcement that it will be bringing an action against VW for the small matter of $45 billion which, you would imagine, would sting.