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Results For: commercial

  • Making sizzling profits from solar power

    Making sizzling profits from solar power the interesting point this article makes is the effect installed pv capacity is having on the grid based generation industry in germany and italy. The model of monolithic, centralised electricity generation is no longer sustainable when so many...

  • Businesses look to renewable energy

    Businesses look to renewable energy we know that renewable energy is becoming more mainstream but it’s still nice to have the trend confirmed.   bruton knowles is  the latest commercial property agent to spot the obvious appeal of renewable energy to commercial landlords.   the...

  • Energy Performance Certificates

    Energy performance certificates commercial landlords and institutional property companies will need to be aware of some changes being made to energy performance certificates. In 2018 it will become illegal to let a residential or commercial property to a tenant if the energy performance...

  • Renewable energy…subsidies are no longer essential

    Renewable energy…subsidies are no longer essential! ever since we started this business in 2009,  we have enjoyed debating the merits and need for renewable energy with anyone who doesn’t share our vision.   one of the standard fall-back lines in any anti-renewable argument...

  • Martifer Solar builds “grid parity” PV plant for IKEA in Italy

    Martifer solar builds “grid parity” pv plant for ikea in italy pv has a hard core band of detractors who trot out the line that this energy source will never be viable without subsidy.   whilst this argument conveniently ignores the fact that the military and political...

  • UK electricity: jolt needed

    Electricity generators try to find a way to keep the lights on    the lex column in today’s ft lays bare the problems facing both the established electricity generators and the regulators as they try to find a way to keep the lights on.      the monolithic...

  • BPVA conference 2014 begins

    Bpva conference 2014 begins we're at the bpva conference this morning. Not a good start when disgraced ex-minister and unrepentant jailbird chris huhne stood up to speak. Things got better when juliet davenport, ceo of good energy took the stand. She shares our view that we need to lose the word...

  • DECC Sec of State Greg Barker speaks at BPVA conference

    Decc sec of state greg barker speaks at bpva conference decc sec of state greg barker is on now. A child like enthusiasm and a genuine zeal for his brief.   he seems less pleased to see that he was sharing a platform with his former boss. Great to hear him talk of moving solar from a 'green,...

  • Sunniest spring since records began!

    Sunniest spring since records began! the met office have released figures which show this spring has been the sunniest time since records began in 1929. The uk has seen 573 hours of sunshine from march to may this year with only nine other springs since 1929 breaking over the 500 hours...

  • Mypower's awards

    News articles mypower wins award for excellence in commercial solar energy solutions mypower win two awards at the south west regional energy efficiency & healthy homes awards mypower are rewarded for their outstanding gloucester cathedral project at the british renewable energy awards...

  • Electric air transport on the horizon

    Electric air transport on the horizon  the real prospect of electric, rapid air transport has come a lot closer.  kitty hawk,  a us tech group has been testing its two seater,  air taxi in new zealand and is in the process of getting regulatory approval. Capable of vertical...

  • Marubeni and Total to build Qatar solar plant

    Solar is now so cheap that one of the wealthiest and energy resource rich countries on earth is investing in it.    the @ft reports on another huge investment in solar in the middle east.  whilst the uae has been building huge solar capacity for some years now,  this one is in...

  • Norway - the world’s electric vehicle leader

    Norway - the world’s electric vehicle leader norway’s car market is now dominated by evs and hydrids; 60% of new cars are fully electric and a further 15% are battery hybrids.  norway is europe’s most advanced market for evs for two reasons.  one is the huge number of...

  • On street car charging points roll out boost

    On street car charging points roll out boost the ft reports an interesting development in the wider provision of electric car chargers.  liberty global will be using it’s huge network of  ducts and kerbside cabinets to provide on street car charging points. This is great news;...

  • How to Survive Post COVID-19

    The coronavirus pandemic has had a devastating impact on businesses of every kind around the world. It has forced businesses to adapt in order to survive the covid-19 outbreak. This article will offer advice and guidance to help you keep your business afloat during these difficult times, alongside...

  • Is Your Energy Provider Giving 15% ROI?

    Smart business owners will continuously look for strategies to improve the efficiency of their operations and processes. A key part of business management is monitoring your expenses and identifying ways to cut costs within your company. This will increase your bottom line and provide you with more...

  • Shire Hall wins award for redevelopment

    The shire hall wins the best large commercial project in the local authority building control excellence award for the west of england great to see gloucestershire county council's hq winning best large commercial project in the local authority building control excellence...

  • The Future of Renewable Energies: Predictions for 2021

    At the beginning of 2020, renewable energy was the fastest-growing market sector globally. Many predictions were made about the continued expansion of the industry in the near future. These predictions stemmed from the advancements in technology that should occur, the increased political and social...

  • How Businesses Can Achieve Greener Goals for 2021

    How businesses can achieve greener goals for 2021 though the uk has made considerable progress towards its 2050 “net zero emissions” goal, there’s still a long way to go. Businesses across the country have done their best by setting their own green targets for the year ahead, and...

  • The Renewable Energy Trends of 2021

    The renewable energy trends of 2021 renewable or clean energy can be generated in a multitude of ways - you can harness power from the sun, the tides and waves of the ocean, the wind and even geothermal heat. If your goal this year is to reduce your business’s reliance on traditional energy...

  • Taking your solar PV with you

    Government sets plans to allow companies to move their solar pv with them – good idea? we always applaud any efforts by the government to increase take up of pv on the roofs of commercial buildings but we’re not convinced that this initiative will sway anyone’s decision. Clearly...

  • Germany: Every second industrial roof has a substantial PV installation

    Germany: every second industrial roof has a substantial pv installation we're in deepest bavaria this week and can see first hand the results of germany's aggressive push towards solar energy. Every second industrial roof has a substantial pv installation, providing the business with a large chunk...

  • A new record of almost a quarter of the UK’s electricity demand- 23.9% was met by PV in June

    A new record of almost a quarter of the uk’s electricity demand - 23. 9% was met by pv in june june may have been a washout and often felt more like february but despite reduced output from the nation’s solar capacity, a new record of almost a quarter of the uk’s electricity demand...

  • Photos of Gloucester Cathedral

    Gloucester cathedral photos the stunning 1,000 year old gloucester cathedral nave roof from ground, the panels are hidden behind the parapet before we started work 8. 5t of equipment to be hoisted up 30m glaaaaaaawsteeeeer rugby hq over...

  • Taking your solar PV with you


  • UK businesses making the effort to reduce energy consumption

    Uk businesses making the effort to reduce energy consumption this (paid for - by renault) piece in the telegraph confirms our own experience that companies are starting to take energy costs seriously. It quotes a pwc survey that finds that almost a fifth of uk companies plan to generate a...

  • How businesses can stop catastrophic climate change and benefit themselves

    How businesses can stop catastrophic climate change and benefit themselves a damning report from the un secretary-general in bali recently explains how the world must act now to avoid an ‘irreversible catastrophe’. Trillions of pounds of investment is needed to reverse what is...

  • EV Charging - Cirencester and Stroud

    Electric vehicle chargers – installers in cirencester and stroud has your business invested or is planning to invest in electric or hybrid vehicles? need to install charging units at your business premises or at your employee’s home? mypower who are based in gloucestershire advise and...

  • EV charging – Installers in Worcestershire

    Electric car charging – installers in worcestershire  we supply car charging units in the worcestershire area to help businesses charge their hybrid and electric cars and vans. We can advise you on all the options available from plug and go to superfast charging units. Charging...

  • Latest statistics show how quickly the EV charging structure is growing

    Latest statistics show how quickly the ev charging structure is growing interesting statistics from zap_map showing just how quickly the public ev charging infrastructure is growing. What is even better news is that an increasing proportion of those new devices are rapid chargers. This suggests...

  • No Feed-in Tariff - no problem

    No feed-in tariff - no problem take a look at this superb article featuring mypower, on how commercial roof-top solar pv will continue to thrive despite the end of the fits. You can read may's eibi magazine here. Mypower's feature is on page 42. ...

  • BMW facing a threat in modern EVs

    Bmw facing a threat in modern evs we’ve always been of the view that the inevitable transition to electric cars will be an existential threat to some of the established manufacturers. Having huge, unamortised investments in the architecture and supply chains of internal combustion engine...

  • More problems with UK nuclear energy have come to light

    More problems with uk nuclear energy have come to light nuclear power is back in the balance in the uk after toshiba pulled out of the planned moorside generator in cumbria. The ongoing shambles at hinkley c  which, despite huge subsidies and price guarantees to its french and chinese owners,...

  • China and India are way ahead of Western economies with solar generation

    China and india are way ahead of western economies with solar generation this article in the ft sets out the startling pace at which new solar deployment is replacing conventional energy generation in china and india. This should be a concern for developed, western economies which have been slower...

  • China aiming to remove subsidies from its booming solar market

    China aiming to remove subsidies from its booming solar market the ft reports on chinese moves to remove subsidies from its booming solar market; whilst the usual lobbyists for the solar industry will wail and gnash their teeth, we see this as great news; solar is making commercial sense without...

  • Potentially ground-breaking project proves value of Agrophotovoltaic Farming

    Potentially ground-breaking project proves value of agrophotovoltaic farming a really interesting piece reported by clean technica discusses the early results of a project combining solar pv and farming. The aim? to define whether having a combination of solar pv and farming on a piece of land is...

  • California is racing towards a solar future

    California is racing towards a solar future great article in the ft about how california is racing towards a solar future - nothing to do with politicians and whether or not donald trump takes the us out of the paris accord; the simple fact is that on america’s west coast, solar electricity...

  • Gloucester Cathedral's solar panels blessed, switched on and the tower lit green

    Gloucester cathedral's solar panels blessed, switched on and the tower lit green the 21st november 2016 will go down in history as the day the dean of gloucester blessed and switched on gloucester cathedral's solar panels for the very first time. 150 solar panels were installed on the nave roof at...

  • Another clean energy milestone has struck

    Another clean energy milestone has struck june 07 marked another milestone in the uk's transition to clean energy; over half of the country’s electricity produced came from solar and wind with niche contributions from bio-mass and hydro. Traditional coal generation produced not one single...

  • A successful night for Mypower at the Energy Efficiency awards

    A successful night for mypower at the energy efficiency awards last night (7th june 2017) at the energy efficiency awards dinner mypower were runners up and highly commended in 2 very competitive categories ; small scale project of the year and solar pv installer of the year. The awards were for...

  • Some interesting research produced in the US has revealed the scale of uptake of solar by big corporates

    Some interesting research produced in the us has revealed the scale of uptake of solar by big corporates the top ten are some well known businesses… 1. Target — 147 megawatts 2. Walmart — 145 megawatts 3. Prologis — 108 megawatts 4. Apple — 94 megawatts 5. Costco...

  • Solar electricity generation capacity has overtaken coal fired capacity for the first time

    Solar electricity generation capacity has overtaken coal fired capacity for the first time this is the sort of story that would be guaranteed to make the front page of the guardian but not the ft;  but the pink ‘un lead yesterday with the news that solar electricity generation capacity...

  • Google and GM are securing long term, low cost electricity by buying it from renewable generators

    Google and gm are securing long term, low cost electricity by buying it from renewable generators when big, bad us corporates start making moves to power their operations with renewable energy, you know that the commercial argument has been won.   the ft reports how some of america’s...

  • Germany is planning a huge subsidy programme to push consumers to electric cars

    Germany is planning a huge subsidy programme to push consumers to electric cars the ft reports that germany is planning a huge subsidy programme to push consumers to electric cars. No doubt the climate change lobby will trumpet this as a move towards greener, cleaner transport. Which it is.  ...

  • FT's Nick Butler on how energy storage is going to transform the way we generate and consume electricity

    Ft's nick butler on how energy storage is going to transform the way we generate and consume electricity we don’t know how we missed this when it was published in the ft in december. Nick butler writes well researched and well informed blogs for the energy section in the ft and is always an...

  • The decision to plough on with Hinkley C is baffling

    The decision to plough on with hinkley c is baffling as a government loudly committed to ending subsidies, we find the decision to plough on with hinkley c baffling. It’s bad enough having to watch her majesty’s chancellor of the exchequer kissing low places on every passing chinese...

  • A future where homes and businesses produce and store their own electricity and sell surplus to others is within our grasp

    A future where homes and businesses produce and store their own electricity and sell surplus to others is within our grasp we’ve long been of the view that state control of energy supply is not a good thing and the current problems national grid is experiencing to keep the lights on is a...

  • The Chinese are using an imaginative approach to utilising solar farms

    The chinese are using an imaginative approach to utilising solar farms we’ve always been a bit wary of large scale, ground mounted solar farms. They are often a long way from where the electricity demand is and they tie up land which would otherwise be used for food.   the chinese are...

  • Germany's first large-scale photovoltaic plant is being refurbished

    Germany's first large-scale photovoltaic plant is being refurbished it’s getting harder for enemies of solar electricity to find logical arguments to employ.   a common line trotted out is that pv systems lack longevity so we are grateful to the germans (via the bpva)  who are about...

  • January 2016 will see a huge reduction in the Feed In Tariffs paid for PV installations

    January 2016 will see a huge reduction in the feed in tariffs paid for pv installations well, we now know quite how sharp the fit reductions will be next year. In the decc consultation document published yesterday, and reported more accurately in the ft here - than other less fact-troubled organs -...

  • Implement rooftop solar and prevent business black-outs

    Implement rooftop solar and prevent business black-outs the prediction of a 10-year low of spare energy capacity meant the risk of black-outs was a real possibility earlier this year; short-term measures have prevented this from happening but a long term fix needs to happen. With old generators...

  • Norway aiming to ensure all their cars are zero emission by 2025

    Norway aiming to ensure all their cars are zero emission by 2025 ambitious talk from those canny norwegians; their stated aim to ensure that all cars in norway are zero emission by 2025 is no mean target. It could be dismissed as fanciful if it weren’t for the fact that norway is already way...

  • Further warnings today on the fossil industry’s political and technological storm – Time to secure your business’ energy.

    Further warnings today on the fossil industry’s political and technological storm – time to secure your business’ energy. Fantastic article in today’s telegraph reporting the imf blowing the lid on the real cost of subsidies to the hydrocarbon industry. This is clearly a...

  • The Sunday Times was giving the solar industry a big shout this weekend

    The sunday times was giving the solar industry a big shout this weekend the sunday times was giving the solar industry a big shout this weekend, trumpeting the record amount of pv capacity installed in the year to end march; almost 2gw of capacity was plugged into the grid in this period, which is...

  • Tesla’s much anticipated domestic and commercial battery is launched

    Tesla’s much anticipated domestic and commercial battery is launched well here it is. Tesla’s much anticipated domestic and commercial battery is launched and we think this is something rather special. Musk’s comparison with the move from landline telephones to mobile...

  • Effective electricity storage is the holy grail for our industry

    Apple, samsung and tesla are all investing in effective electricity storage methods effective electricity storage is the holy grail for our industry; once we can properly store all the electricity we produce outside of working hours, the commercial arguments for pv become even more compelling. We...

  • One part of the Green Party's manifesto makes perfect sense

    One part of the green party's manifesto makes perfect sense the greens may be as mad as a box of frogs but we like this part of their manifesto: “ensure that all schools, hospitals and other public buildings have solar panels by 2020′ unlike most of the bonkers stuff these dreamy...

  • Financial Times report further evidence that lower oil prices aren’t going to restrict the growth of solar energy

    Further evidence that lower oil prices aren’t going to restrict the growth of solar energy further evidence that lower oil prices aren’t going to restrict the growth of solar energy generation comes from the united arab emirates and is reported in todays ft read the full article...

  • Let's kick oil while the price is down

    Let's kick oil while the price is down we don’t often find much we agree with in the grauniad but this clip by naomi klein is of interest. Given her well documented dislike of capitalism, it’s surprising to hear her argue for some very nasty capitalist behaviour of taking advantage of...

  • Upbeat Assessment of Solar PV Future

    Decc spin line that large scale solar farms no longer needed subsidy an upbeat assessment of the future of solar pv in the nation’s energy mix was spun by the decc as proof that large scale solar farms no longer needed subsidy; cue outrage from the solar ‘industry’ which...

  • BP says huge rise in energy demand at odds with climate change fight

    Bp: huge rise in energy demand at odds with climate change fight sticking with the bp global energy report,  it’s interesting to note that the grauniad takes the carbon emissions angle,  jumping on the oil giant’s assertion that global growth,  and the inevitable increase...

  • Solar plane prepares for round the world flight

    Solar plane prepares for round the world flight cynics will scoff but this solar power plane might do for commercial aviation what tesla has done for electric cars.   it’ll be the improvement in li-on batteries which will send this mainstream but we reckon solar powered domestic flights...

  • The potential power of the Greek sun

    The potential power of the greek sun some blue-sky thinking in an article in the financial times about how greece could become an electricity exporter to the rest of europe.  solar plants in the heavily indebted country could become a major source of export income as well as providing...

  • Grid capacity worries spark UK solar farm boom

    Grid capacity worries spark uk solar farm boom we’ve been hearing rumblings about constraints on grid capacity in cornwall for some time now,  but this is the first reporting in the mainstream media (bbc - www. Bbc. Co. Uk/news/science-environment-24659790) about the potential problems...

  • Solar power will thrive despite ending of government support from March 31st 2019

    Solar power will thrive despite ending of government support from march 31st 2019 contrary to the opinion of much of the renewable energy sector, the abolition of the government’s feed-in tariff scheme (fits) on 31st march is not necessarily bad news. Commercial-scale roof-top solar power is...

  • Solar panels better than a pension

    Solar panels better than a pension, says minister - telegraph well we’ve known this for some time but it looks like the idea is going mainstream. It’s  clear winner for householders as the article suggests,  but what about businesses?  if you own your building or enjoy a...

  • The Future Of The Solar Power Industry: Our Predictions

    Solar power has become increasingly popular over the years and many businesses are acknowledging the various benefits that solar panels can bring. Not only does solar have the potential to reduce your overhead costs through cheaper electricity prices, but it can also substantially reduce your carbon...

  • Gloucester Cathedral

    This is a unique solar pv installation for mypower as our usual customers are those with agricultural buildings and commercial properties. For more information on how your business can significantly reduce its energy costs please contact us...

  • Ionity launches new pricing structure based on kWh

    High power charging provider ionity announced a new pricing structure based on kilowatt-hours rather than a base fee fast charging upstart @ionity_eu (actually a collaboration between  bmw,  daimler benz, vw and ford)  have announced new pricing structure across its european network...

  • Landlord Takes Heat Out Of Energy Bills


  • Bako Western

    Installation of 996 solar panels lets bako western produce 240,000kwh of electricity with an roi of 16% bako western is a wholesale distribution company supplying the baking industry across the midlands, south and southwest. Operating from a purpose built warehouse of over 50,000 square feet...

  • Bako Western

    Key facts and predictions - amended to september 2018 rates 249kw - installed by mypower. £190,000 - cost excluding vat. 240,881kwh - electricity produced per annum (site specific prediction from pv solar, typically conservative by 2-10 %). 79 tonnes - co2 emissions avoided per...

  • William Gilder Ltd

    Providing clean energy to a neighbouring business the solar pv system was originally installed to provide energy to william gilder ltd's headquarters in teddington.  however, it has now been connected to the neighbouring teddington stores’ business. Instead of selling their...

  • Stewart Golf Ltd

    Electricity consumption is likely to rise in the coming months and years, driven primarily by the impending electric vehicle (ev) revolution. Evs will increase stewart golf's electricity consumption, and will, in turn, use more of the solar energy they produce. This will reduce the...

  • Stewart Golf Ltd

    "we're very proud that our new pv system will be generating clean electricity for our business for many years to come. Not only is it a great green decision, it's also a very sensible financial one, so it really is a win-win for us.  mypower made everything very straightforward. Their...

  • Monssi Ltd

    Subsidy free in the current climate, installing rooftop solar pv makes perfect business sense. Monssi has taken control of its electricity costs and, over 25 years, its total annual income and savings will equal £320,000. The initial investment will be paid back in under eight years without...

  • Mypower - Quercus House

    Mypower's quercus house practicing what we preach mypower are based in toddington, gloucestershire, and we recently celebrated our 10th anniversary.   on our own building - quercus house - we have a 50kw solar pv system which generates around 47,000 kwh of electricity per annum. ...

  • Mypower - Quercus House

    Ready for the ev revolution in 2020, ev charging is an environmental and cost-saving necessity for our business. At present, we have 4 evs and 1 plugin hybrid vehicle regularly charging at our offices, with more planned. We've just added a further two charging points to our parking area and...

  • Rocket Rentals

    Mypower customer installs solar pv at second site and looks forward to £175,000 of savings & income rocket rentals is a family run business offering plant and machinery hire and sales in gloucestershire. In 2011, mypower installed a 10kwp industrial solar power system at their...

  • Rocket Rentals

    "as we have expanded the business, our power costs have increased. With solar offering cheaper electricity, a good return on investment and the commercial benefits of being a 'green' plant hire company, it was not a difficult decision to make. The solar will also really help us towards our iso...

  • Wiles Greenworld - West London

    Uk's second greenest company goes even greener and saves over £14,000 per year the sunday times described wiles greenworld as the second greenest company in the uk and, the more we learnt about them, the more we understood why. Operating from their offices and warehouse in west london, they...

  • Wiles Greenworld - West London

    North-east facing roof, no problem wiles greenworld's roof is south-west and north-east facing. Ne facing roofs are not normally used as the yield is less than a sw facing roof but with a pitch of only 10%, the company was keen to explore the feasibility of covering both sides to maximise...

  • Government Plans £3billion Green Scheme

    The uk government recently announced that they will be introducing a new £3billion green scheme to support sustainable measures. Under the scheme, grants will be awarded to boost energy-saving methods, cut harmful emissions, and improve energy-efficiency within uk buildings. The scheme is also...

  • Top Myths of Solar Panels - Insights from Experts at Mypower

    Solar panels have become increasingly popular over the years, and thousands of uk businesses are now utilising commercial solar power as a way to boost their green credentials and cut costs. Despite this, there is still a lot of uncertainty surrounding the costs, benefits, and potential drawbacks of...

  • Mypower install first Solar panel on Gloucester cathedral

    Mypower install first solar panel on gloucester cathedral the first of 150 solar panels has been installed today at gloucester cathedral. With the help of rev’d canon celia thomson, who laid the inaugural panel, mypower will finish installing the solar panels in november ready for the big...

  • The advent of electricity storage going commercially mainstream is getting closer

    The advent of electricity storage going commercially mainstream is getting closer we do tend to harp on a lot about the way efficient battery storage is going to change our lives. Well, the advent of electricity storage at the point at which it goes commercially mainstream - $100/kwh - is getting...

  • The UK’s rooftops to become power stations

    The uk’s rooftops to become power stations interesting press release from the decc this morning (https://www. Gov. Uk/government/news/the-uks-rooftops-to-become-power-stations). It reads like it was cut and pasted from some of our musings on this subject over the last couple of...

  • Introduction of green number plates scheme starts on 8th December 2020

    Introduction of green number plates scheme starts on 8th december 2020 from 8th december 2020, as part of the government's road to zero programme, new and used zero-emission vehicles will be eligible to display a green number plate. The new number plates will differentiate evs from...

  • Coventry and Warwickshire Green Business Programme

    What funded solar pv can do for you: produces electricity at 3-4p per unit, versus 15p per unit from the grid. Provides a payback in under 4 years. Typically gives a roi of 25-30%. Avoids, on average, 20 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions every year. Improves your green...

  • Coventry and Warwickshire Green Business Programme

    For more details on the benefits of solar pv and the grant application process, please contact us or call us on 01242 620894. Or take a look at our commercial page.   further information can also be found at www. Coventry. Gov. Uk/greenbusiness. ...

  • Worcestershire County Council’s Low Carbon Opportunities Programme

    To quality, your business must: be situated in, and trading from, worcestershire employ fewer than 250 people have a turnover of less than the equivalent of 50 million euros per annum, or a balance sheet of less than 43 million euros. Mypower are award winning installers of commercial solar...

  • Worcestershire County Council’s Low Carbon Opportunities Programme

    In this table, we've assumed that 60% of the solar energy generated will be used onsite, with the other 40% sold to the grid. Onsite consumption will vary, depending on when you need your energy. For most commercial customers, we can accurately calculate this by analysing your incoming...

  • Derbyshire De-Carbonise Project

    What is the de-carbonise project? the derbyshire de-carbonise project has been created to help smes save money and reduce energy costs and carbon emissions. The grants are funded by the european regional development fund (erdf), with the university of derby, derby city and derbyshire county...

  • Derbyshire De-Carbonise Project

    For more details on the benefits of solar pv and the grant application process, please contact us , call us on 01242 620894, or take a look at our commercial page. ...

  • Business Energy Efficiency Programme (BEEP)

    What is the business energy efficiency programme? the business energy efficiency programme (beep) is a partnership between worcestershire councils, herefordshire council, telford & wrekin council, shropshire chamber of commerce, herefordshire & worcestershire chamber of commerce and...

  • Business Energy Efficiency Programme (BEEP)

    For more details on the benefits of solar pv and the grant application process, please contact us , call us on 01242 620894, or take a look at our commercial page. ...

  • Lithium-air battery technology to have exciting impact on how we consume electricity

    Lithium-air battery technology to have exciting impact on how we consume electricity an exciting piece in the ft reports on developments made by researchers at cambridge university with battery storage. Lithium–air battery technology has the potential to provide storage at a fifth of the cost...

  • Is Solar the Future of Electric Vehicles?

    With global carbon emissions at record high levels and fossil fuels predicted to run out within the next few decades, both governments and consumers are searching for a greener, cleaner solution. Electric vehicles could be part of the answer. They’re usually more efficient, don’t...

  • Quickgrind Ltd

    A recommendation shone the light on solar pv quickgrind is an internationally renowned engineering manufacturer specialising in the design and manufacture of carbide tools. Their production requires some 1. 2 million units of electricity per annum as their tooling machines and robotics are...

  • Quickgrind Ltd

    "ben [md for mypower] really put forward the case for mypower and solar pv with several options of system sizes and products, giving complete transparency on everything. The grant process was very easy and straightforward with mypower's help. Mypower's team on site were excellent and caused no...

  • Solar Expert: Electricity that doesn't cost the Earth

    Solar expert: electricity that doesn't cost the earth neil stott of mypower looks at why greening your business and investing in commercial solar pv does not mean that you have to make a commercial compromise. Most companies are considering their environmental impact but think they will have to...

  • Powering your growing business

    Powering your growing business committed to best environmental practise and sustainability our solar related stories are posted to raise awareness of the benefits, both commercially and environmentally, of generating electricity for your business using your own solar pv. What better way to do...

  • Edmo Limited

    Commercial grant provides £40,000 towards solar pv edmo limited was established over 40 years ago. They provide a huge variety of customers and markets with product supply solutions using aluminium extrusion and a wide variety of other components, finishing and assembly...

  • Edmo Limited

    Reducing environmental impact their solar pv will provide edmo with 121,000 kwh of clean, renewable electricity, helping them to avoid over 28 tonnes of co2 emissions annually. In addition to the environmental savings, of course, any investment must make commercial sense. Edmo will see savings...

  • One year on from the Feed-in-Tariff ending we see a thriving solar industry

    One year on from the feed-in-tariff ending we see a thriving solar industry today (1st april) marks the first anniversary since the uk government removed all feed-in tariff (fit) payments for new solar pv systems.   the fit was introduced back in 2010 to stimulate up-take of renewable energy...

  • Ikea stores in Norway are having banks of superfast chargers installed for customer use

    Ikea stores in norway are having banks of superfast chargers installed for customer use ikea have always been a step ahead when it comes to sustainability; they’ve been fitting solar pv on their stores for years, even after state subsidies were stopped in many of the countries in which they...

  • Saudi Arabia is going to build the world's largest solar project

    Saudi arabia is going to build the world's largest solar project saudi arabia, lynchpin of opec and until recently, the world’s largest oil producer is going to build the world’s largest solar project. Generating 200gw (gigawatts - not megawatts) this vast project will produce enough...

  • Bentley are really embracing solar technology

    Bentley are really embracing solar technology bentley may be regarded as the very epitome of the gas-guzzling behemoth but the factory in crewe is a pioneer when it comes to generating its own electricity. The rooftop solar system, one of the largest in the uk at 5mw, produces around 40% of the...

  • Allen Fabrications Ltd

    Landlord invests to turn empty roof space into a profitable asset allen fabrications ltd are a high quality industrial and agricultural building designer and manufacturer who have been established for over 40 years. They also own, let and manage their own commercial property portfolio. Based in...

  • Allen Fabrications Ltd

    Redundant roof space becomes profit source for landlord an roi in excess of 17% for turning a roof space liability into an asset. A greater attraction for tenants means  improved letting ability, while improving the building's epc rating ensures that the minimum energy...

  • 2019 Moreton show

    Mypower at moreton show 2019 mypower are proudly exhibiting at the moreton show for the 8th consecutive year on the 7th september 2019. Since 2011 mypower have been giving visitors to the show advice on how commercial solar panels can reduce their business energy costs by 60-70% and help...

  • Electricity generation from sun rises to new UK levels

    Electricity generation from sun rises to new uk levels renewable energy generation records from solar and wind in the uk has repeatably been broken over the last month. Solar pv powered almost 30% (compared to 23% in the same period in 2019) of the grid at its peak due to the good weather, low...

  • Why choose Mypower

    Numerous businesses have chosen to work with us we're highly professional full turnkey package and project management offered, from initial dno consultation/application and financial feasibility study through to completion of ppa negotiations, maintenance and monitoring. Good things come in...

  • Sheppy's Cider and Farm Shop

    Ben harrison of mypower explained why he believes farm shops and similar enterprises are perfect for commercial solar energy systems: “farm shops attract a demographic who understand the wider environmental issues we are facing. Sourcing local produce is often a key requirement for customers,...

  • UK nuclear power plant gets go-ahead

    Uk nuclear power plant gets go-ahead edf have played a good hand well with the negotiations over hinckley point. This deal does two things; first, it means that this new generation of nuclear power stations will finally get built and secondly finally debunks any remaining notion that...

  • Mypower interview on BBC Radio Gloucestershire

    Mypower interview on bbc radio gloucestershire yesterday (18th july) bbc radio gloucestershire interviewed mypower's ben harrison on how our fantastic summer has affected demand for commercial solar. Ben was invited along to gloucester cathedral, where mypower installed 150 commercial solar...

  • Earth Day 2022: Going Solar to Fight Climate Change

    Earth day is an annual event that takes place on 22nd april each year. It is a day that is set aside to raise awareness of the plight of the planet and support global environmental protection. Each year, many events are organised on earth day to make people aware of the environmental challenges that...

  • How Solar Panels Can Protect Your Business from Rising Energy Costs in 2022

    One of the biggest effects that we are all seeing on our lives in 2022 is a massive rise in the cost of energy. There is a global crisis in the supply of energy, as a result of a number of different factors. The increase in demand from a cold winter last year in europe, a hot summer in asia (and,...

  • Mypower awarded prestigious ground-breaking contract to install solar at Gloucester Cathedral

    Mypower awarded prestigious ground-breaking contract to install solar at gloucester cathedral mypower are delighted to announce that following a highly competitive tender we have been selected to install solar panels on the nave roof of gloucester cathedral. Gloucester cathedral will become the...

  • Gloucestershire drivers are leaders in the electric car uptake

    Gloucestershire drivers are leaders in the electric car uptake in the last 4 years there has been a surge in electric vehicles and hybrid car purchases and it seems gloucester and the cotswolds are one of the leading areas contributing their rise.   sales of diesel cars are reportedly at an...

  • Our sixth year at Moreton show

    Our sixth year at moreton show solar panel company mypower are very pleased to be sponsoring one of gloucestershire’s biggest agricultural events, the moreton in marsh show on 1st september 2018. This will be our sixth year at the show which offers an action packed family day out from...

  • Mypower champions solar power on regional TV and radio

    Mypower champions solar power on regional tv and radio the end of feed-in tariff subsidies for new renewable energy schemes after 31th march will not stop commercial solar power from holding its own and offering significant financial rewards for companies choosing to add it to their energy supply. ...

  • How Can Solar Electricity Benefit Rural Businesses?

    How can solar electricity benefit rural businesses? solar pv derived electricity is without doubt a fantastic opportunity for uk businesses of all sizes and locations and much focus is on reducing emissions is in cities and towns. However, it’s also rural companies that can see the benefits...

  • How Much Energy Can Commercial Solar Panels Generate in the UK?

    How much energy can commercial solar panels generate in the uk?...

  • How Much Energy Can Commercial Solar Panels Generate in the UK?

    According to the solar panel experts at mypower, “one of the biggest reasons for making the decision to install solar is for financial gain. At current installation costs, a solar pv system delivers electricity at a rate of around 4-5 pence per kwh including operations & maintenance costs. ...

  • Calculating the Number of Solar Panels Needed for Your Business Premises

    The most accurate answer to “how many solar panels does my business need?” is probably “how long is a piece of string?” that is to say, the answer really does depend on a range of factors! no two businesses are identical in their energy needs, and each will use energy in a...

  • 5 Reasons to Install Solar Panels on Your Industrial Building

    An industrial building isn’t just the premises for a business, it’s also an asset in itself. As a savvy business owner, you undoubtedly want to make this asset work for you as much as possible. One way you might choose to do so is through the installation of industrial solar panels. ...

  • How Does a Solar Power Plant Work?

    According to our solar panel expert, energy costs in the uk are predicted to double within the next decade. “with nuclear proving to be cost prohibitive and fossil fuels clearly not being the answer, there will need to be significant commercial and business investment in grid scale renewable...

  • Mypower returns to leading Cotswolds agricultural & horse show

    Mypower is pleased to be exhibiting at the cotswolds’ renowned moreton show on saturday 4th september 2021. We’re looking forward to this year, our ninth at the show, more than ever as it was cancelled in 2020 due to the covid crisis. Since 2011, mypower has been advising moreton show...

  • How UK businesses will adapt to be more sustainable after COVID restrictions

    What does climate change have in common with covid? well, they’re both worldwide phenomena. They have a universal impact, meaning that any attempt to manage their effects requires mass cooperation. Because of these similarities, many people seem to be viewing our global response to the...

  • How Food and Drink Manufacturers Can Benefit from Solar Energy

    The production of food and beverages must be considered alongside the planet on which its processes take place and the people it caters to. For example, as our population continues to increase, our food and beverage production will have to adapt to meet this new need. Another important influence on...

  • Are Solar Panels a Worthwhile Investment for Farms?

    An increasing number of farms are installing solar panel systems on their land. Agricultural businesses typically have huge success with solar panel projects, so it’s easy to see why so many farm owners are taking an interest in solar power. If you’re considering whether a solar panel...

  • Can you put Solar Panels on Agricultural Land?

    The benefits of solar panels for domestic customers are manyfold. But the benefits for farmers and agricultural customers can be even greater. Farmers have used energy from the sun for their work since the beginning of time, but solar panels enable you to use it for more than helping crops and...

  • Britain's Energy Crisis: What can businesses do to combat growing energy costs?

    If struggling with negotiating the additional demands that brexit, the pandemic and the rising cost of living wasn’t enough, businesses now face additional pressure from the uk’s ongoing energy crisis. Although wholesale gas prices were already rising at an astonishing rate in 2021, the...

  • Energy Cost Saving Tips for Businesses

    There’s never been a better time to save on your business energy costs. We’re facing a sharp increase in energy costs in 2022 with the average business previously spending an average of £6,500 to now a potential spending of £10,010 per annum. This has placed yet more...

  • How Does Solar Energy Compare to Other Renewable Energy Sources?

    There are several different reasons why more and more people are choosing to install solar panels and harvest the energy from the sun for their personal or commercial use. Of course, we are seeing an increase in awareness of the need to reduce our carbon footprints, and using solar energy is a great...

  • Should you Consider Solar Panels for your Business?

    If a business has high electricity costs or wants to be prepared for the future, then they should consider their own solar pv system as a cheaper and environmentally friendly alternative to grid-supplied electricity. Installing pv panels on your commercial building can significantly reduce your...

  • The Benefits Solar Power Can Bring To Your Business

    Solar power has become increasingly popular over the years and more and more businesses are acknowledging the benefits of solar energy. Having commercial solar panels installed on your business property can bring about several rewards including lower electricity costs and fewer carbon emissions. ...

  • How Much Space Does my Business Need for Solar Panels?

    You can start by saving money on your electricity costs for your business by installing a solar pv system, but first you must make several essential selections about your solar array, like brand, model, and size. Most importantly ensuring that you are balancing the energy you use with the energy you...

  • The History of Solar PV

    Solar energy has been used in a variety of ways since the seventh century bc. The sun's rays were amplified to create fire. Greeks and romans used "burning mirrors" to light torches for religious purposes. By the sixth century a. D. , sunrooms were becoming more and more common on houses. The...

  • Charging Your Businesses Electric Cars with Solar Panels

    Cars are an important part of everyday business life. But they do have certain drawbacks. Specifically, fuel expenses and emissions that harm the environment. Fortunately, there is a method for us to continue driving automobiles while cutting down on these. Fuelling our vehicles with electricity...

  • Benefits of Installing Solar Panels on Warehouse Roofs

    Benefits of installing solar panels on warehouse roofs let’s be honest. How often have you thought about what your warehouse roof is doing? probably not very often and probably not much beyond basic maintenance.   but your warehouse roof could be one of your greatest, untapped assets. ...

  • How Long Do Solar Panels Last?

    How long do solar panels last? headlines in 2022 have been dominated by increasing concerns over rising utility bills and talk of the ongoing energy crisis. To combat the rising costs, both at home and in our businesses, many of us are turning to renewable energy sources such as solar panels. Solar...

  • What is Net Zero and What Does it Mean for Solar?

      what is net zero and what does it mean for solar? generating heat and power by burning fossil fuels is a significant cause of the climate crisis, so finding renewable solutions will play an essential role in achieving net-zero.   this article will discuss everything you need to know...

  • How Much Renewable Energy Does the UK Use?

    How much renewable energy does the uk use? national grid energy data shows that renewables accounted for over 45% of the uk's total electricity generated in 2022. This meant that renewables overtook fossil fuels for the first time on record and became the uk’s largest source of...

  • Are Solar Panels Effective in Winter?

    Are solar panels effective in winter? solar panels have been around for a while now, and on the whole, we’re aware that by converting the sun’s light into electricity, we get a clean, carbonless energy source.   but investing in solar panels for the first time can raise all sorts...

  • Solar Panels Somerset

    Award-winning solar panel company mypower are experts in solar pv energy solutions, which can help businesses reduce their electricity costs. Mypower make it easy for businesses in somerset to reduce their electricity costs by 65%.   whether you're a farmer, food producer, logistics company or...

  • Solar Panels Somerset

    Return on investment (roi) energy prices are set to double over the next 10 years. Commercial solar-generated electricity allows you to effectively forward-purchase your energy for the next 25 years at a fixed price of 4-5p per unit. This means your business will never be exposed to rising...

  • Solar Panels Somerset

    Sheppy's cider and farm shop sheppy’s cider is a well-known (and very delicious!) award-winning cider brand. Based in taunton, somerset, sheppy's have been producing cider from their homegrown apples for six generations and 200 years.  back in 2015, we installed a 39kw system on their...

  • Nationwide - Solar Panel Company

    Solar power companies mypower design and install award-winning commercial photovoltaic systems across the uk. Over the last 10 years, we have worked with companies to help them significantly lower their electricity bills and reduce their carbon footprint. With the rising costs of grid...

  • Solar Panels Bristol

    Why choose commercial solar pv in bristol? commercial solar offers businesses in bristol and the surrounding areas the opportunity to reduce their electricity costs by two-thirds. Generating your own electricity from your bristol-based business would offer your company clean, renewable...

  • Solar Panels Bristol

    Commercial solar panels bristol  mypower’s homelands are in the south west, where we design and install commercial solar pv systems for businesses in bristol and the surrounding area. Solar pv offers the most savings for businesses that are medium to high energy users. ...

  • Solar panels Bath

    Why choose commercial solar panels bath? mypower specialises in commercial solar pv installations covering bath, the south west and beyond. We are an award-winning team who pride ourselves on going above and beyond for every customer in order to deliver exceptional solar pv designs and...

  • Solar panels Bath

    Solar panel installers in bath mypower’s head office is a little over an hour from bath and we have completed numerous commercial & agricultural solar panels installations in the area. We use local weather station climate data from bath which looks over the last 10 years to...

  • Solar panels Bath

    Looking for more information and advice on solar pv for your commercial property in bath? call us on 01242 620894 or  visit our contact page...

  • Solar Panels Warwickshire

    Mypower specialises in installing commercial solar pv systems in and around warwickshire. Our award-winning solar pv systems will enable your business to reduce its electricity costs by 65%. Average grid supplied business energy costs between 13-15 pence per unit. Compare this to solar pv...

  • Solar Panels Warwickshire

    Return on investment with solar panels stratford upon avon within the next 10 years, electricity prices are set to double. Commercial solar generated electricity allows you to effectively forward buy your energy for the next 25 years at a fixed price of 5p per unit. This means that your business...

  • Solar Panels Wiltshire

    Solar panels swindon solar panels installed by mypower help businesses to reduce their electricity bills by 65%. Mypower has a proven track record of providing renewable energy solutions which deliver real benefits and savings to businesses in swindon, chippenham and...

  • Solar Panels Wiltshire

    Why people are installing solar panels chippenham it makes commercial sense. Solar pv generated electricity typically costs 4-5p/kwh and is effectively fixed, compared to grid supplied electricity at rates of between 13-15p/kwh, which is likely to continue to rise every year. Once...

  • Solar Panels Wiltshire

    A renewable energy company for businesses across wiltshire mypower are an award winning solar panel installations company, providing commercial solar energy systems to businesses located in swindon, chippenham and the rest of wiltshire. Read more here about how these solar panels out-perform...

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